Hearing Tests

Diagnostic tests play a crucial role in the field of audiology as they enable hearing professionals to accurately identify the underlying causes of hearing loss. By obtaining comprehensive information about an individual’s auditory health, these tests serve as a foundation for formulating effective treatment plans tailored to each patient’s specific needs. The significance of user feedback in the testing process cannot be overstated, as it provides valuable insights and subjective experiences that complement objective measurements, ensuring the accuracy and precision of the diagnosis.

At Innovative Hearing Care, we prioritize the holistic approach of combining clinical expertise with patient input, ensuring that our evaluations are thorough, reliable and ultimately lead to the most suitable treatment outcomes.

Diagnostic Audiologic Evaluation

This consists of several tests including tympanometry, pure tone, otoacoustic, word recognition and acoustic reflex testing. Every individual will have a different set of tests to determine whether one or both ears are affected by hearing loss. Evaluations will differ between children and adults, but the accuracy with the provided information will remain the same.

For newborns, a screening for hearing impairment can be done before they are discharged. Parents that skipped this option can always get a comprehensive screening from Innovative Hearing Care. Lingering hearing problems will affect development and growth in newborns. Just like children and adults, the tests for newborns will be different.

Potential Issues

A hearing professional will check that both ears are clean before moving forward with serious testing. The test won’t be accurate if there is severe earwax blockage in the affected ear. Not all patients need removal, but the process is both quick and painless. Earwax can cause a lot of abnormalities, with one of the main side effects being hearing loss. In some cases, removing the earwax completely restores hearing back to normal. This is a best-case scenario that has more to do with temporary hearing loss rather than permanent hearing loss.

What To Expect

The evaluation won’t last longer than an hour. That leaves time afterwards for patients to discuss the results with the health professional. A lot of this will be fresh news, with the next steps depending on if you want to move forward with a treatment plan. Bringing a family member or friend to the evaluation is a good idea for support. Some of the information provided can be hard to understand when you’re still processing the initial results. In the end, this is a good chance to develop a relationship with your health professional. Moving forward, they will become your point of contact for all things hearing related.


Hearing loss is not only an individual issue, it is a family issue. A counseling recommendation is a possibility after the evaluation. Treatment for hearing issues is also about support, and that can come from loved ones or a professional. Overlooking the importance of the mental side of hearing loss can greatly affect hearing recovery.